HealthCare Industry








Why choose Archsuntech?

The team at Archsuntech is prepared to evaluate, develop, create, upgrade, and optimise your healthcare IT solutions and infrastructure to support your everyday IT operations.


Hands-on practical experience with HIPAA and HITECH.

ISO 13485-certified quality management

We provide an ISO 13485-certified quality management system for medical device software and software that functions as a medical device.

AWS Solutions

AWS Solution Provider with authorization.

Healthcare Data Analytics and Performance Management

• Analytics for patient outcomes (to identify trends in patient outcomes, adjust treatment plans, etc.).
• Analysis of health information provided by patients (e.g., glucose, body temperature, weight, blood pressure).
• Performance assessment and internal process efficiency analysis (e.g., equipment utilization, bed allocation).
• Budgetary control (e.g., expenses per episode, expected cash flow, outstanding payments).

Cloud Migration
• Choosing a cloud that complies with HIPAA.
• Having a focus on cost-effectiveness, cloud migration approach.
• An incremental migration strategy involves breaking applications up into pieces.
• Moving a server, data warehouse, and desktops.

IT Modernization
• Integration of healthcare apps (EHR, medical imaging software, practise management software, etc.).
• modernization of dated healthcare software (recoding, reengineering, containerization, etc.).
• Combining several healthcare organisations and patient information.
• Upgrading HIPAA compliance and information security measures (such as network protection and application security) (data access controls, etc.).

IT Consulting and Assessment

• Analyzing the condition of the IT ecosystem as it stands now.
• Identifying weak points in the IT infrastructure, as well as unmet demands, and developing technological solutions to address them.
• A feasibility analysis to identify care digitization initiatives with the best possible change costs and the greatest possible benefits.
• Assessment of the IT environment's compliance (e.g., HIPAA and HITECH compliance assessment).

IT Modernization

•Integration of healthcare apps (EHR, medical imaging software, practise management software, etc.).
• Modernization of dated healthcare software (recoding, reengineering, containerization, etc.).
• Combining several healthcare organisations and patient information.
• Upgrading HIPAA compliance and information security measures (such as network protection and application security) (data access controls, etc.).

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New York, USA.

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